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trackdown (development version)

trackdown 1.5.1

  • Fix compatibility with googledrive version 2.1.0. googledrive and gargle packages changed underlying functions and arguments for managing Google api authentication. Now trackdown is aligned with the changes. See Issue #57 #59 #62.
  • Add lifecycle badges. See Issue #52.
  • Fix unwanted removed lines at download. See Issue #61

trackdown 1.5.0

new feature open by @maelle

  • allow to open the created document in a browser

trackdown 1.4.0

  • Trackdown now supports Quarto

  • Allow custom Client API credentials. Developed from initial input by @maelle in PR

    • Review auth process for google APIs using trackdown_* functions (see trackdown_auth.R)
    • When changing trackdown app oauth force googledrive to use the same app credentials
    • Client APIs are checked in the following order:
      • TRACKDOWN_APP environment variabel indicating the the path to the JSON file with the own app credentials
      • Own app credentials specified via httr::oauth_app()
      • Use internal default trackdown app credentials

trackdown 1.3.4

Highlight citation tags and equations when using rich_text

trackdown 1.3.3

Fix issue indented code. Now it is correctly recognized.

trackdown 1.3.2

Update privacy policy Trackdown R Package client API required scopes.

trackdown 1.3.1

Fix default gfile name in render_file() pull request #30 (by @mone27)

trackdown 1.3.0

Introduce the rich_text feature and uses its own API credentials (see Issue #28)

  • rich_text. Upload rich documents to Google Docs where important text that should not be changed is automatically highlighted (e.g., placeholders hiding the code, header of the document, code chunks, and in-line code). See rich-text feature details.
  • API Credentials. Now, trackdown uses its own Goole API credentials (OAuth client ID and secret). See details on privacy policy at vignette("trackdown-privacy-policy") and issue comment.

trackdown 1.2.1

Corrige output message pull request #29 (by @chainsawriot)

trackdown 1.2.0

Introduce the force argument allowing users to skip confirm checks about overwriting documents (see Issue #27).

trackdown 1.1.1 (CRAN release)

Fix issue encoding in Windows. Now trackdown does not assume "UTF-8" encoding but it relies on "native.enc".

trackdown 1.1.0

New features:

  • Introduce (experimental) argument rm_gcommentsin download_file() to automatically remove Google comments when downloading the file (See issue #25).
  • Introduce support for child .Rmd and .Rnw files (documents without headers).

Argument hide_code = TRUE can now be used regardless of whether the file contains header code and/or chunks or not. This fixed the issues #22 and #24.

trackdown 1.0.2

Fix issue #21

trackdown 1.0.1

Fix issue #17 and issue #19

trackdown 1.0.0 (CRAN release)

Initial CRAN release

Minor changes to fix cran checks:

  • googledrive dependency set to (> 1.0.1) and cli (>= 3.0.0)
  • use relative path to specify fixture and vcr_files folders in unit-tests

trackdown 0.1.1

Following the release of googledrive version 2.0.0 (link), on which trackdown is based to interact with Google Drive, we updated the internal functions. In particular:

  • Set googledrive (>= 2.0.0) in the Imports field of the DESCRIPTION file.
  • Substitute team_drive_\*() deprecated functions and team_drive = deprecated arguments with the new shared_drive_*() functions and shared_drive = argument in all the googledrive functions used internally by trackdown.
  • Remove verbose = deprecated argument from the googledrive functions used internally by trackdown. Instead, the function googledrive::local_drive_quiet() is used.
  • Update unit-tests

trackdown 0.1.0

Stable version after the full revision of the package previously named rmdrive

The workflow follows the same idea as before, but there are several new features and changes. The main ones are:

  • File Supported: Both .Rmd and .Rnw documents are supported
  • Hide Code: Code in the header of the document (YAML header or LaTeX preamble) and code chunks can be removed from the document when uploading to Google Drive and will be automatically restored during download. This prevents collaborators from inadvertently making changes to the code which might corrupt the file and allows them to focus on the narrative text.
  • Upload Output: The actual output document (i.e., the rendered file) can be uploaded to Google Drive in conjunction with the .Rmd (or .Rnw) document. This helps collaborators to evaluate the overall layout (including figures and tables) and allows them to add comments to suggest and discuss changes.
  • API Speed: Now the upload to and download from Google Drive is faster.
  • Documentation: Rich e detailed documentation is available at